Human Power
Human Resource Management (HRM)
"Human beings are the most important, potent and critical, resource of any organization, and yet the least understood and the worst managed of its resources"
In this statement, my own notion for this is, the employee is the most important ingredient in an organization or company. Without an employee, you cannot say that it is an organization (most of us referred this as company) because they are the one which contributed more in order that this kind of organization can survive.
Leaders within our industry have consistently stated that employees are very important. According to the American Public Transportation Association, they defined two main strategic goals on the development of our industry's workforce. The managers and supervisors have stated that training and development is the core requirement to long range success. Ask yourself, "Why is training and development, attracting and retaining transit workers such a problem? Why doesn't the transit industry create a market of certified transit professionals? Why aren't we teaching our employees how vision, mission and values link to our every day business?". Organizations still ponder with the need to invest current dollars in training and certification processes, in place of short-term fixes that tend to add only little value to the industry's success. Anyone managing a multi-million dollar public transit operation today realizes that this industry employs over 450, 000 people in North America and moves over four billion people annually. Ensuring our employees have the tools needed to be successful, improving their skills through training and managerial dedication that will pay dividends. Many leaders underestimate the importance of designing an organization's future with this in mind. However, I challenge our leaders to take the steps to have the goals of training, development, and recognition as part of our industry's way of operating. Having these goals that invests in our employees, will sustain long needed success for our customers and the growth of our industry into the 21st century.
Employees are potent and critical because they are human beings which have rational thinking and logic. According to philosophical view of man, when he realises that he is the highest of all creation, then he becomes a human. When he develops his intellect, then he becomes a human. When he becomes an example for others, then he becomes a human. When he transcends the common limitations through his wisdom, then he becomes best of humans.
Not all humans have the same kind of intellect. Some men have the ability of being a leader and some are not. Do not be confused why there are people in the highest positions in a company and there are people in the lowest positions in a company. That is why there are managers, supervisors, CEOs which are gifted in this kind of disciplines.
In order that the managers, supervisors and other high ranking officials of a certain organization can have a better product, managers or any other high ranking officials of a certain organization may made some motivators to the employees so that these motivators will help to them in order that their products or contributions may be acceptable to the institution. As I surf over the internet, I found this motivators so that employees may be happy at work.
1. What People Want From Work
Some people work for personal fulfillment; others work for love of what they do. Others work to accomplish goals and to feel as if they are contributing to something larger than themselves. The bottom line is that we all work for money and for reasons too individual to assign similarities to all workers.
2. How To Demonstrate Respect at Work
Ask anyone in your workplace what treatment they most want at work. They will likely top their list with the desire to be treated with dignity and respect. You can demonstrate respect with simple, yet powerful actions. These ideas will help you avoid needless, insensitive, unmeant disrespect, too.
3. Provide Feedback That Has an Impact
Make your feedback have the impact it deserves by the manner and approach you use to deliver feedback. Your feedback can make a difference to people if you can avoid a defensive response.
4. Top Ten Ways to Show Appreciation
You can tell your colleagues, coworkers and staff how much you value them and their contribution any day of the year. Trust me. No occasion is necessary. In fact, small surprises and tokens of your appreciation spread throughout the year help the people in your work life feel valued all year long.
5. Trust Rules: The Most Important Secret
Without it, you have nothing. Trust forms the foundation for effective communication, employee retention, and employee motivation and contribution of discretionary energy, the extra effort that people voluntarily invest in work. When trust is present, everything else is easier.
6. Provide Motivational Employee Recognition
You can avoid the employee recognition traps that: single out one or a few employees who are mysteriously selected for the recognition; sap the morale of the many who failed to win, place, or even show; confuse people who meet the criteria yet were not selected; or sought votes or other personalized, subjective criteria to determine winners.
7. Employee Recognition Rocks
Employee recognition is limited in most organizations. Employees complain about the lack of recognition regularly. Managers ask, “Why should I recognize or thank him? He’s just doing his job.” And, life at work is busy, busy, busy. These factors combine to create work places that fail to provide recognition for employees. Managers who prioritize employee recognition understand the power of recognition.
8. Top Ten Ways to Retain Your Great Employees
Key employee retention is critical to the long term health and success of your business. Managers readily agree that their role is key in retaining your best employees to ensure business success. If managers can cite this fact so well, why do many behave in ways that so frequently encourage great employees to quit their job?
9. Team Building and Delegation: How and When to Empower People
Employee involvement is creating an environment in which people have an impact on decisions and actions that affect their jobs. Team building occurs when the manager knows when to tell, sell, consult, join, or delegate to staff. For employee involvement and empowerment, both team building and delegation rule.
10. Build a Mentoring Culture
What does it take to develop people? More than writing “equal opportunity” into your organization’s mission statement. More than sending someone to a training class. More than hard work on the part of employees. What development does take is people who are willing to listen and help their colleagues. Development takes coaches, guides and advocates. People development needs mentors.
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We may say also that the human beings in an organization are the least understood and worst to manage it is because, these human beings are able enough to make some critical decisions and justifications. You cannot easily control your employee because they are capable to do so some things which you can do unless you do have some robotic employees which are irrational and cannot perform logical thinking. That is why, God gave the dominion to the man to rule over the fluvial, terrestrial and aerial domains but not above to him.
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