Surrogates: New Set of World in the Future
Set in a futuristic world where humans live in isolation and interact through surrogate robots, a cop is forced to leave his home for the first time in years in order to investigate the murders of others’ surrogates. In the future, use of remotely-controlled Androids called “surrogates” allows everyone to live in idealized forms in the safety of their own homes. A surrogate’s operator is protected from harm and does not feel any pain when their surrogate is damaged. FBI agent Tom Greer has a strained relationship with his wife due to the death of their son several years before. He never sees her outside of her surrogate and she criticizes his desire to interact via their real bodies. Bruce Willis plays a cop in a world without crime. The invention of the surrogates – androids controlled by the mind of their owners – has stopped all violent crime. But though such crime has been eliminated, there are some who think that the surrogates are an abomination. Led by the charismatic figure of The Prophet these isolationists have walled themselves off from the surrogate-using world. When humans using surrogates begin dying when their surrogates are destroyed, it is up to Willis and his partner Peters to solve the crime before they kill everyone who uses a surrogate.
The film highlights great advancement in technology. Surrogates were durable and can be controlled willfully.From a variety of androids, people can choose faces, body built, age etc. they like making everyone pleasing to the eye. The technology reduced the world’s crime rate to zero percent.. But this technology is not perfect. The father of surrogacy himself lost his only son. And in the end advocated a cause that is pro-human. He wanted to destroy his makings and turn the course of history back without surrogates. The use of surrogates is considered an addiction. They can manipulate it. But the person’s body is becoming weak due to activities ,supposedly done by a normal person , is made by surrogates. Those who have surrogates are psychologically and physically weak. Their privacy were easily breached by the government. A click could reveal your whole identity. Thus an individual’s surrogate could be hacked and use in a crime the true owner did not. Great it may be but great is trade-off also. Its near-future setting helps the viewer relate easily to the characters and the science of the surrogates plays to many viewer fantasies. While more ambitious than it has to be, the film descends into action scenes too quickly.Surrogates is entertaining and ingenious, but it settles too soon for formula.
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